The pressure of different businesses within a company, to deliver compelling software solutions, continues to accelerate. This demand for new digital products and services continues to increase and traditional software delivery methods are not keeping up.

Developers are overwhelmed by this demand. According to Gartner, throughout this year, the demand for applications and requests for modifications will increase up to five times. It also states that software development projects are delayed by more than six months.

Mendix will allow you to meet this demand at the pace the market is requiring.

Abantai Mendix Industria demanda


Flexibility and cost reduction

Use the visual modeling capabilities that offers Mendix. Speed ​​up and increase the productivity of your developments by using pre-built components, obtained from the Mendix Marketplace or developed internally for previous projects.

Easy maintainability of your applications and systems thanks to visual modelling. Development agility and ease of maintenance will lead to great cost savings.

Mendix allows deploying your developments on the main cloud platforms and with a single click, offering flexibility and scalability on demand.

Abantail Mendix industria lowcode

Break down barriers between business and IT

Mendix offers constant communication between team members through a collaborative web portal. This portal also offers the possibility of managing feedback comments, allowing a quick response to modifications and changes.

Mendix will also be able to manage and store all versions of a development. This platform will offer you a high level of collaboration, allowing the involvement of several teams in a single unified review.

Low-code is a visual development approach that prioritizes the key principles of the Agile methodology.

Integrate easily with other systems

It is possible to use connectors from the Mendix Marketplace to integrate your systems easily and quickly, such as with SAP. In the case of SAP and thanks to the partnership with Mendix, you will be able to create new solutions on SAP products such as SAP S/4HANA, SAP SuccessFactors and SAP Hybris directly with Mendix.

Mendix allows you to connect different systems or data sources to your Data Hub. Developers will be able to see data from different sources in the Data Hub as if it were local, through external entities, allowing them to use that data in different developments.

This tool allows you to integrate your new developments with your legacy systems (existing in the company) and you will have better accessibility to the data of your current systems.

Abantail Mendix integraciones


Mendix has a wide range of success stories in leading companies in the manufacturing industry. Clicking on the following link you will be able to see what they have come to achive working with Mendix.